A brief history


Hello everyone! Before doing any technical entries on this blog, I’d like to start from the beginning and tell you who am I.

My name is Pere Viader Masuet, and I am from Catalonia, Spain.

My story starts just like the story of many many other people in this industry. I got a Nintendo console [0] when I was a kid and this changed my life forever. This however could not have happened without my parents, they saw my love for the games and were very supportive about it (even though I spent too much time playing with them). They understood that there was something more about games and provided me with the games that thought me the love for this media.

As a player and developer I deeply believe the games we play at a young age deeply affect how we grow up and end up thinking for the rest of our lives. So in order for you to understand who I am, I want to give you a comprehensive list of all [1] the games I played at a young age from the first one in 1998 up to 2010 [2] which I deem is a good enough sample. The collection will include some commentary for the games I deem relevant and a trophy 🏆 to the best ones.

Game Boy Color (1999-2001)

My first console ever was the Game Boy Color and I fondly remember the time spent playing these games:

  • 🏆Pokémon Silver: Fun story about this game, it taught me how to read and in a foreign language. As a kid of around 4-5 years old in a Catalan home environment, I did not speak nor read Spanish. When I got this game, I asked my parents for translation on every text box. As it was not feasible for them to translate and read each and every one of them for me, they told me to find a way to understand it for myself and to their surprise [3], it worked, because soon after I was playing through the game all by myself.
  • Pokémon Gold: Did not play it but the memory is very much there. The copy of the game I got came with an empty battery, so the game save file was wiped every time I powered the system off. Playing through starting area stopped being fun after the 45th time :P.
  • 🏆Wario Land 3: While writing this article, I couldn’t stop myself from watching a gameplay for this game. It was great!
  • Tintin In Tibet
  • Pokémon Puzzle Challenge

Game Boy Advance (2001-2004)

Some years later, I got my next console, the brand new Game Boy Advance followed by more great games (and not so great ones):

Nintendo DS (2004-2009)

Growing up some more, I got the amazing Nintendo DS. I also got some niceties for it, an R4 cartridge and an Action Replay, I’ll never forget the fun of modding the towns in Animal Crossing or creating the perfect team for Pokémon Pearl. I ended up playing all these games:

PlayStation 2 (2005-2007)

Wii (2007-2010)

PC (1999-2010)

If you are interested in my studies, projects or work related info about me, I do my best keep my LinkedIn account up to date.

And with this, I am off to write something that will probably be of more interest to you.

[0] I love how Nintendo is the start of so many people, I wonder what will future generations say.

[1] I am sure I played more games, I’ll be adding them if they ever come to mind.

[2] I’ve tried my best to figure out the exact dates but to no avail so, dates are orientative and may not be accurate.

[3] They are surprised even to this day. I am surprised too, how in heavens name did I do it.

[4] ;)

[5] A.K.A. the grind.

[6] When I got a better computer and played the game on it, the feeling was amazing. The performance increased from the 12-20 fps to a whooping 30-50! Aiming was a piece of pie in comparision.